Photo 1017199-1056
Peloton orava Puotilan kansalaispuistossa helteisenä sunnuntaipäivänä.
Kaupunginosa/osa-alue: Vartiokylä - Puotila
Katuosoite: Kansalaispuisto
Kuvausvuosi: 2003, 07.21
Valokuvaaja: Larko
Kuvalähde: Larko (Tiedot)
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  • Chrissy

    This I consider to be the best picture on this page. Plus this page is very well set-up. Great design if I ever saw one.
  • Thank you, Chrissy!

    Thanks for your remarks. I do not, however, take the credit for the page design as it is the standard for this site. But I informed Mr. Aapo Rista about your opinion. He is responsable for the design. As for the squirrel, he (or she) had no fear for the camera. Obviously, the life of a squirrel is an adventure.

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